Removal of migration barrier

Various types of man-made barriers such as dams, weirs, steps, fords, culverts, etc. create obstacles in streams and cause water levels to rise. This creates non-native lake ecosystems with many negative effects, above the barriers due to the slowing of the flow and below the barriers due to the disturbed water regime and sediment transport regime.

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Správa o činnosti 2023

Annual activity report for 2023

This year, we successfully completed the Annual activity report for the year 2023. Our ambition in creating it is to provide a comprehensive overview to our supporters, benefactors, and the general public about our activities throughout the year 2023.

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We hosted a restoration camp in Smolenice

During the last week of August, we hosted an international youth camp at Molpír near Smolenice village in Small Carpathians. It was organized by the association Strom života (Tree of Life) and almost 30 young people from Slovakia, Finland, the Netherlands and Greece came to it. With our joint efforts, we managed to clean more…

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Thanks for the inspiring meeting of LIFE WILDisland project partners in Tulcea (Romania)

At the beginning of September we actively participated in the meeting of project partners from the Danubeparks network of protected areas in Tulcea, Romania. In addition to updates, progress and new challenges in the ongoing LIFE WILDisland project across the whole project consortium, we had the opportunity to visit valuable places in the Danube Delta and selected project sites near Isaccea, where floodplain revitalisation is underway.

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We hosted a restoration camp in Smolenice.

During the last week of August we hosted an international youth camp on the Molpír hill near Smolenice. It was organized by the Tree of Life association and nearly 30 young people from Slovakia, Finland, the Netherlands and Greece came to participate. Together we managed to clear more than a kilometre of corridor, where we…

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