We have expanded an oasis of life near Považská Bystrica

Above Podmanín, at the piedmont of Manínec and Veľký Manín in the Strážovské vrchy, lies a small, open hillside that, at first glance, may seem dry and lifeless. But appearances can be deceiving—these warm, sunlit slopes are bursting with life. Hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of warm-requiring species thrive here, including rare insects, plants, lichens, fungi,…

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We are restoring rare steppe habitats in Horná Pustá Ves

The quiet settlement of Horná Pustá Ves is hidden away in the northern part of the Brezovské Karpaty, within the Prašník municipality. Surrounded by the limestone peaks of the Malé Karpaty, this area has a rich natural and cultural history. People settled here as early as the Paleolithic era, evidenced by the remains of an…

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Removal of migration barrier

Various types of man-made barriers such as dams, weirs, steps, fords, culverts, etc. create obstacles in streams and cause water levels to rise. This creates non-native lake ecosystems with many negative effects, above the barriers due to the slowing of the flow and below the barriers due to the disturbed water regime and sediment transport regime.

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