PROJEKT: Restoration and management of Danube floodplain habitats



Dear Minister of the Environment,

We, the signatories of this petition, turn to you in demand of a modification of the Temporary management terms for Gabčíkovo – Nagymaros Barrage System in the territory of Slovak Republic in order to provide the necessary care and protection for the last remains of the Danube inland delta in Slovak territory.

We cannot agree with the way the Government cares for natural values and waters of this unique ecosystem. Due to current management techniques, the unique wetland ecosystem of Danube inland delta is being continuously and progressively destroyed – the system of river side arms that would receive fluctuating water inflows in hundreds of m3/s only few decades ago, now get only 20 to 30 m3/s of the water flow. Periodic floods, a natural phenomenon occurring few times a year and ensuring the dynamic changes essential for alluvial ecosystems, have ceased completely. Thus, the remains of the inland delta of the Danube river are vanishing.

Therefore, we demand a modification of the Temporary management terms for Gabčíkovo – Nagymaros Barrage System in the territory of Slovak Republic that would ensure the simulated periodic floods are performed repeatedly as a part of the standard management techniques in Gabčíkovo Barrage System, as opposed to a rare event requiring lengthy and redundant administrative processes every year.

At the same time, we demand the maximum limit for the flow through river branch system, currently set to 60 m3/s, to be removed. From the ecological perspective, this flow volume is absolutely insufficient, and was set with the aim to maximize financial benefits of the hydroelectric power station in Dobrohošť.

We owe this to our country and to the nature we have so ruthlessly abused. It is time to pay back what she has given us selflessly.

You can sign petition here: