PROJEKT: Restoration and management of Danube floodplain habitats
mokraď na Veľkolélskom ostrove

Currently, the wetlands on Velký Lél Island are full of water.

A few years ago, we did such a thing – we changed the slope of the bottom in the drainage channel. It was a canal designed to drain water from Velký Lél Island. It was built in the past so that the water from the island flowed away after the floods sooner and people could use the meadows for grazing cattle as soon as possible.

In times of climate change and with fewer and fewer floods in the Danube, this chanal has no longer makes sense, moreover, when we conservationists manage the island and are happy to adapt to the floods in our grazing regime.

So we made from the drainage channel the “flooding channel” and at the moment, at higher water levels in the Veľkolélske side-arm, we can enjoy wet meadows and wetlands full of water on the island. Currently, the functionality of the channel has been confirmed once again, it is full of water.

And we are very happy about it!

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