PROJEKT: Restoration and management of Danube floodplain habitats
sadenie stromov v Dunajských luhoch

In the winter, when it is the best time for tree planting, we planted more than 30,000 trees – the native tree species of the Danube floodplain forests.

We planted white poplars, black poplars and grey poplars – softwood trees, together with oaks and ashes – hardwood trees.

We planted trees in Slovakia in the area of ​​the Inland Danube Delta in several localities. The project area of LIFE14 NAT/SK/001306

We are working on the restoration of natural floodplain forest 91E0*, and replacing hybrid poplars, which are grown in the area by forest companies.

We normally plant trees in pre-drilled, deep holes. At greater depths, young seedlings can absorb the winter moisture better and therefore the chance that they dry out is significantly reduced.

Soft floodplain forests are a criterion habitat, which does not rejuvenate naturally due to the change in river dynamics on most sections of the Danube. Respectively, very few places have been preserved where it is able to rejuvenate naturally. Its natural rejuvenation is best achieved on sections of rivers and river branches that have been restored and reconnected back to a natural source of running water.

In the Inland Danube Delta – in the project area, we have been striving for a long time to improve the water regime through simulated floods, which we are successful in.

Last year we initiated a petition to save the Danube Inland delta which is fully influenced by the Gabcikovo water dam and we were successful in gathering 11 603 signatures. After that, we had negotiations with the Ministry of Environment where we agreed on more water for the area and 2 simulated floods into the inland delta each year.

During such floods, we inspected our restored/replanted areas and most of them were successfully flooded.

We are looking forward to two simulated floods taking place every year, which is essential for softwood floodplain forest trees that are depending on flooding.

We implemented part of the planting from the LIFE14 NAT/SK/001306 (24 000) and part of the planting from LIFE16 NAT/CZ/000001 (the rest).

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