PROJEKT: Conservation of subpannonic dry grassland habitats and species
Dobrovoľníci pomáhajú prírode na lokalite Veľký Kopec

The second consecutive weekend the geocaching volunteers from OZ Permoníci could not resist the appeal of undertaking volunteer work in Tokaj next to Kráľovský Chlmec. We cleaned pastures by hand from overgrown and invasive locust tree and expansive wood plants. Of course, we abode to all regulations.

Our organization BROZ with the help of  Administration Protected Landscape Area Latorica have managed to establish contact with the local breeder Arnold Dócs within the project Life Sub-Pannonic. Thanks to our cooperation we have achieved something unbelievable. We have managed to restore the pasture land in those forgotten lands.

#Grazing is amazing. It is very noticeable that life has returned to localities in one or two season´s time. Not only fauna and flora has returned but also local habitants have returned and they have begun to enjoy views on Medzilaborce from those legendary hills. It is obvious that we will return to the East which provides us with many things to enjoy. We will return to check the reconstruction of the biotopes; to drink Tokaj wine; to enjoy many wonderful sceneries; to visit incredible people and enjoy their hospitality.

We also thank ardently to our colleagues from SOS Birdlife Slovakia. Not only for providing us accommodation in a wonderful Avescentrum Senné but also for providing professional lectures on Veľký Kopec.

You can find out more information on our activities in the prior articles:

Restoration of grazing at Veľký Kopec – BROZ

TV reportage about grazing at Kráľovský Chlmec – BROZ

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