PROJEKT: Restoration of drought-loving herbaceous communities in the contact area of the Pannonian and Alpine bioregions
účastníci exkurzie o prírode blízkom hospodárení v lese

At the end of last week, within the LIFE endemic PANALP project, we prepared a two-day field trip to the Duchonka forest administration, where we invited employees of the State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic from the Záhorie Protected Landscape Area, Small Carpathians Protected Landscape Area, Ponitrie Protected Landscape Area and foresters from Lesy SR .


We touched on the topics of nature-friendly forest management, protected area management, the possible consequences of climate change, the need for water retention in the country, the impact of forest management on the river network and much, much more. For us, a very important point was the mutual cooperation in the active management of xerotherms, former pastures and other biodiversity rare sites, where Duchonka is a beautiful example of cooperation between conservationists and foresters. As there were experienced entomologists, ecologists and botanists in the team, as well as foresters with respect for nature, there were really many arguments for good cooperation. The topics were sometimes challenging and the discussions intense, encouraging, but especially argumentatively valuable, polite and beneficial for both parties.


But what is important for us is that we have also identified several problems in mutual communication and explained our starting points, but also possible solutions for the future. We understand well-established communication as the basis of successful cooperation. We thank the Duchonka Forest Administration for a great procession and all participants for their contribution. We are looking forward to all the great things that we will be able to achieve together for nature.

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