PROJEKT: Restoration and management of Danube floodplain habitats
rokovania k Vnútrozemskej delte Dunaja

The petition for the rescue of the Inland Danube Delta, signed by 11,603 people, serves as a basis for negotiations with the Water Management Enterprise and the Ministry of the Environment. We aim to increase the amount of water that flows in the Inland Danube Delta.

A series of online negotiations are currently underway, in which we discuss the increase and stabilization of water volumes admitted to this valuable floodplain area. We required 2 floods in the area per year, which would more correspond to the natural water flows in the Danube. We demand that more water would be admitted at higher flows periods, not only during floods, but also at normal flowing regime. In order for the volumes of water admitted to the delta to fluctuate and at least partially simulate fluctuations in water dynamics in the area.

The negotiations are going well so far, our demands have been taken into account and the effort to change the situation for the better was declared not only by representatives of the Water Management Construction, Minister of the Environment Ján Budaj at a press conference and in a letter addressed to us as part of the official response to petitions.

Vodohospodárska výstavba š.p. negotiates with us very correctly about our requirements, even though it is in their interest to defend the volumes of water used to produce electricity.

Gradually, however, we will hopefully reach a solution that is acceptable to both parties and provide more water for the Inland Danube Delta.

In addition to representatives of the Water Management Construction, Ms. Katarína Holubová from the Research Institute of Water Management and representatives of the Slovak Water Management Company also take part in the meeting.

Keep your fingers crossed for us, we will inform you about the next course.

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