PROJEKT: Conservation of birds in SPA Ostrovné lúky
From 24th to 26th August 2016, the people with unusual interest got together in The Centre of Environmental Education Dropie. All three days were dedicated to the new environmental educational program The Secret Life of Bugs. The participants of workshop were teachers from kindergartens and elementary schools, lecturers from Slovak Museum of Nature Protection and Speleology, from Regional Association of Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development, from Daphne – the Institute of Applied Ecology, from forest nurseries and other NGOs as well as experts from Slovak Environmental Agency. During three days, the objectives and methodology of the program were presented to the participants. What is mostly important, they could experience practical manufacturing of different insect hotels, bird and bat boxes, the principle of establishing the rain gardens and the work of ornithologist when he was catching and bird-ringing birds. The weather was lovely and everyone was leaving The Centre of Environmental Education Dropie full of new information, ideas, experience and good energy. The workshop was financed within the project LIFE12 NAT/SK/001155 „Conservation of birds in SPAOstrovné Lúky“, which is implemented with the financial support from the EU LIFE+ program and the contribution of The Ministry of Environment SR.