PROJEKT: Conservation of birds in SPA Ostrovné lúky
In cooperation with the documentary-maker Braňo Molnár we are making a unique documentary about conservation efforts in areas where nature under pressure from intense agriculture. Such a „template“ are si SPA Ostrovné Lúky, where we are implementing the LIFE Ostrovne Luky conservation project. The nature in the area is facing similar challenges as elsewhere in agricultural landscapes. In less than 30 years a large number of species have dissapeared from the area, including the project flagship species – falco vespertinus. The presence of insect and bird species is a primary indicator of the quality of ecosystem helath, their dramatic decline is therefore a warning signal that something is not right. Through the documentary, made with contribution of the LIFE funding, we aim to raise awareness about these issues and the possible solutions to the problems. In the documentary we want to highlight nature-friendly farming practices and agricultural approaches that consider the limits of the environment, ecosystem services and the needs of the natural environment. We interviewed the local community to share their memories and experience of their environment and life in the countryside prior to the onset of intense agriculture. Some of the locals try to carry on the traditional pracitices such as willow coppicing and farm animal grazing to this day. We would also like to express our grattitute to the interviewees for their wilingness to share their stories on the camera. It was a truly inspiring experience for us! During the filming we were acompanied by Michal – a student from the film school who is working on his own photography project about the Lower Rye Island.
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