PROJEKT: Conservation of birds in SPA Ostrovné lúky
In springtime SEV Dropie hosts the Hypericum environmental competition for elementary schools. The 19th year of the cometition focused on agrosystems in the Lower Rye Island, their biodiverzity and environmental problems. This is a very hot topic, because badly set agricultural practices have a log lasting negative on the environment. Along with soil degradation the most accute is the colapse of inserct populations caused by overuse of pesticides and loss of habitat. The media have already termed this phenomenon “Insectageddon”. Insect is the basis of food chains that´s why the fall of bird populations in SPA Ostrovné Lúky and elsewhere is a direct consequence of this. We discussed these topics at this year´s Hypericum and these are the problems that we are trying to solve in our project.  
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