Brusel, 24.5. 2018
The European environment comissioner Karmenu Vella awarded the best projects of the LIFE+ programme on 23rd of May in Brussels.
The BROZ project that focused on protecting nesting habitats of common swifts and bats in buildings in Slovakia was awarded as one of the three Best of the best projects in the Nature and Biodivesity category.
The projects were awarded in of three categories – The Environment, Nature and Biodiversity and Climate. Out of the 420 projects supported by the programme across the EU, 62 were selected as the best projects EU projects. Overall BROZ had three projects awarded, two projects awarded as the Best ptojects and one awarded as the Best of the best.
The project for the protection of swifts and bats in buildings in Slovakia was realized between 2012-2016 during which the urban nesting opportunities of these species were enhanced by installing over 10 000 nesting boxes and saving over 15 000 nesting opportunities.
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Projekt ochrany prírody na Slovensku získal európsky titul Najlepší z najlepších
Najlepší z najlepších. Projekt ochrany dážďovníkov a netopierov zabodoval v Európe
Projekt ochrany prírody získal európsky titul Najlepší z najlepších