22nd May is Internetion Biodiversity Day – Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development (BROZ) in cooperation with Slovak and international partners (CEE web for biodiversity) have prepared several interesting activities for public in National Nature Reserve Devinska Kobyla (1) and on the confluence of Danube and Morava river (2).
1. Come and visit NATURA 2000 biotop within Bratislava city center, where there are beautiful orchids flowering on the meadows of Nature Reserve and the herd of goats is grazing here to protect the biodiversity of these precious xerothermic grassland. We start at 10:00 at bus stop “Devin-zahrady”.
2. Meet and discover fishes of the Danube River and their environment. Stay informed by the activities that focus on the conservation of key fish species and try to improve their environment. During our event you will get answer to these questions:
1. How big used to be fishes migrating upstream to Bratislava? Demonstration at puzzle-model of full size Beluga sturgeon, prepared activity for children.
2. Do you know some fishes of the Danube River? Come to have a look at live Danubian fishes in tanks.
3. The most original painting of Danubian fish – children contest in fish drawing.
4. Why is reconnecting of Danubian side arms important?Summary of BROZ project activities focusing on the restoration of Danubian side arms and Danube inland delta.
5. Can we save the sturgeons of the Danube basin? Summary of project activities focusing on sturgeons of the Danube basin.
6. Is energy of water power plants always the green energy? Information on the impact of dams on riverine ecosystems.
We are looking forward seeing you!
The event is generously supported by the European Commission
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