We are participating in active conservation of areas of European significance
The main objective of the project is to create a functional network of seventeen NATURA 2000 areas in the cross-border region of Bratislava. Joint conservation efforts, such as restoration management, ensure favorable status of habitats of European significance in the cross-border territories of Slovakia, Austria and Hungary.
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Grazing in Danube floodplain forest
Meadows are ecologically valuable areas. In the Danube floodplain forest, meadows were maintained by grazing of mowing. However, in the context of the change of management, they gradually became wane. Within the action of restoration of traditional grazing we returned traditional grazing into this area. The grazing is located near village Bodíky and its area…

Grazing in SKUEV Šúr
Short videos about grazing in NNR Šúr.

Networking in Switzerland
In March 2018, in order to share project outputs with other organizations abroad, we spent a week at the Primaria Primary School and at the Verein true move NGO in St. Gallen in Switzerland. At the beginning of the project, the great team of this school had inspired us in creation of educational materials and…

Networking about water restorations
On 14th November 2017, BROZ organised the networking took with representatives of the Austrian LIFE „Restoration of the Lower Morava Floodplains“, which is focused on water restoration measures. Networking took place between representatives of BROZ and the Austrian organizations Via Donau and WWF, which are focusing on water restorations of the river branches rivers on…

Professional Workshop how to restore Danube river branch?
The aim of the event – Ecological management and restoration of watercourses – was to inform the water experts and environmentalists about actual trends in water management and nature conservation. Motivate them to cooperation in solution of water restoration and water conservation. Within this event we organized professional workshop – How to restore Danube river…

Restoration of the Porec stream
In September 2017 was realized the restoration of the Porec stream between the railway and the highway in the length of about 600 m. The itself restoration starts about 150 m from the railway and ends at sluice on the field road about 80 m from the highway, at a length of 496 m. The…

Accessing of Slovinec adit for bats in Devín
The former Adit under the Slovinec Hill was a significant wintering place for bats in the past. In 2011, the Adit was closed, which was prevented access for these valuable animals. The re-opening of the Adit was realised in 2017 by our association in cooperation with Civic association SAOLA – Nature Conservation and State nature…

TV debate about Devínska Kobyla
Devínska Kobyla is one of the most visited areas for population of the capital. It is characterized by a high diversity of fauna and flora. It is part of the Protected Landscape Area Malé Karpaty and also it belongs to the Network of nature protection areas in the territory of the European Union NATURA 2000.…

Workshop – Danube floodplain forest
On 28.1.2017 took place in project area Danube floodplain forest expert workshop. The main objective was introducing the area of Danube floodplain forest, management in this area and experiences with nature conservation. Workshop manage project manager Andrej Devečka, who focused on activities: C.1: Restoration and management of forest habitats, B.1: Long-term lease of land and…

Monitoring of goats in the area of Geological museum
Fifth – year students from Primary school in Hargašová street in Bratislava, within their research project were focused on monitoring our goats in grazing in the area of Geological museum. Children visited our grazing, where Project manager Ing. Andrej Devečka told them about our project and about importance of grazing in Nature conservation on Devínska…

Restoration of Medené Hámre adit
Medené Hámre Adit is located in Special Area of Conservation Homoľské Karpaty in the cadastral territory Borinka. The adit is stamped in limestone, it has 2 separate entrances and accessible corridors are 500 metres long. I tis very important wintering of bats. Since 1993 it is realized here monitoring of bats, which is realized by…

Presentation of project within the conference Nationalparks Austria Jahreskonferenz
Within the conference Nationalparks Jahreskonferenz 2016, the directors os six Austrian national parks visited Bratislava on 10th October 2016. The chairman of Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable development (BROZ) Tomáš Kušík presented them restoration of Devínske rameno river branch and Andrej Kovarik from State Nature conservancy presented them Sedláčkov island. Austrian conservationists positively…

Visit of European Commissioner for the environment in SKUEV Devínska Kobyla
Europian Commissioner for the environment, marine legislation and sea fishing legislation Karmenu Vella, on the occasion of the visit Bratislava, had meeting with representative of Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable development (BROZ). The Chairman of BROZ Tomáš Kušík introduced him the project activities – restoration of river branches in SKUEV Bratislavské luhy and…

Excursion within “Writing seminar on the LIFE”
On 19th august 2016 took place excursion within the conference „Writing seminar on the LIFE“ in the project areas – SKUEV Bratislavské luhy and SKUEV Devínska Kobyla, which prepared Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable development (BROZ) in cooperation with Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic.

Untraditional watching hides the area Szigetkoz
Project partner Pisztráng Kör (Trout Circle) installed a untraditional watching hides, which allow visitors to observe the nature from untraditional places like under the water, from the tree, from the underground shelter or from the boat powered by a solar panel.
Television report – Grazing on Devinska Kobyla and campaign: „Adoptuj si kozu“ (Adopt a Goat)
Introduction of grazing on Devinska Kobyla and campaign „Adoptuj si kozu“ Adopt a goat in regional TV – Television of west Slovakia. More information in this video.

Restoration of rare forest-steppe habitats in Biskupice floodplain forest
After restoration of traditional grazing in Biskupice floodplain forest thanks to projest Restoration of NATURA 2000 sites in cross-border Bratislava capital region, was eliminated strong monoculture of invasive species of Solidago sp. Traditional grazing is ideal method for the restoration of original species composition.

Restoration of Dunajské kriviny wetland
During the restoration workshas been restored the the water canal, which brings the water into the dry wetlands. This restoration helps to return the original species of animals and plants, which lived here in the past. Restoration of wetlands was focused on the creation of suitable places for reproduction of amphibians. We managed to create…

A short video about the importance of grazing in protected areas.
More information in this video.

Press conference to the Restoration of Karloveské rameno rivier branch
Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable development (BROZ) in cooperation with Bratislava water company and water manager experts revitalized the Karloveské rameno river branch. On the 3rd June 2016 took place the Press conference with participation of minister of environment Lázsló Solymos. Press release

Networking with Slovenian LIFE Project
The Networking was focused on bilateral exchange of experience between projects: Restoration of NATURA 2000 sites in cross-border Bratislava capital region – LIFE 10 NAT / SK / 080 and the Slovenian project LIFE11 NAT/SI/000882 Riparian ecosystem restoration of the lower Drava river in Slovenia. Within the networking the participants visited two project localities –…

Professional workshop ,,Fish migration and barriers on the stream“
From 20th to 21st May 2016 took place Professional workshop called ,,Fish migration and barriers on the stream“ on the occasion of the World Fish Migration Day. The main topic of the workshop was free fish migration and restoration of river ecosystems. On the workshop Andrej Devečka, project manager, introduced restoration of Danube river branches,…

New gazebos and benches for visitors to the National Nature Reserve Devínska Kobyla
In March were installed by State Nature conservany two new summerhouses and five new seats for visitors in this important locality. Wood barriers near paleontological sites Sandberg were recovered too.

Restoration and management of forest habitats
This activity consists of three main activities: a) removal of invasive species b) planting of native tree species and c) marking and preserving valuable trees and modification of logging. video.

Restoration of rare grassland in the Nature reservation Devínska Kobyla
In the Nature reservation Devínska Kobyla finished first phase of restoration of rare grasslands. The Works were coordinated by DAPHNE – Institute of Applied Ecology in cooperation with Administration of Protected Landscape Area Malé Karpaty. Felling self-seeded trees on NPR Devinska Kobyla it ended the first phase of restoration of rare bow. The work is…

The water is life – living river side-arms
In Slovak daily paper, which is called Pravda, was published the article about the importance of wetlands. In the article were presented restorations of Danube river branches, which were realized within the projects of Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable development (BROZ). And in article was published the planned restoration of Karloveské rameno river…

Opening of educational trail at Devinska Kobyla
On Wednesday 30.9.2015, was opened interactive educational trail at Devínska Kobyla Nature Reserve in the vicinity of Bratislava. This reserve with its rare steppe fauna and flora belongs to the most unique and most visited nature treasures of the capital. Nature trail will help to raise public awareness and get support to maintain the valuable…

Grazing at new locality in NNR Devínska Kobyla
From the spring 2015 new grazing locality within project NaturaBA has been prepared for restoration of biotops in surroundings – volunteers cleaned the area, collected litter and these days you can find around 20 animals grazing at protected meadows nearby.

Day with volunteers at Devinske rameno side arm
On Friday 11th September BROZ with volunteers took part at cleaning of Devinske rameno side arm – at outflow part. Several bags with rubbish have been removed from site and also an intresting lecture about this protected area from employees from State Nature Conservancy has been realised. Thank you for your help!

Volunteer event in the Nature reservation Devínska Kobyla
Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable development (BROZ) on the occasion of World day of European network of protected areas of Natura 2000 organized volunteer event in Geological museum, which is project area in Nature reservation Devínska Kobyla. Broz in cooperation with civic association Space and sculpture and non-profit organization Barbora planned restoration of…

The story of Devínske rameno river branch
In the past, the river transported massive amounts of gravel sediments which were deposited in the surrounding areas downstream from Devínska brána, eventually creating a network of meanders and river islands. One of these islands, locally known as Sedláčkov Island, can be found in this area. In contrast to other islands on the Danube, this…

Restoration of Devínske rameno river branch
Devínska rameno river branch starts about kilometer from the confluence of rivers Danube and Morava. It bathes Slovanský ostrov Island near castle Devín. Water bathes Island only sometimes, when the level of the Danube river is high. Most of time the water in Devínske rameno river branch is stagnant and bed is dry. Regional Association…

World day of wetlands
The motto of this year’s the World Day of wetlands lays stress on the important role, which wetlands play in our lives. The future of humanity depends on wetlands. The wetlands withholds and cleans water, offers fishes, rice and crops, which feed a milion of people of the world. Wetlands works like nature sponge, reduce…

Discover the other cheek of Devínska Kobyla
Elements placed along the blue marked tourist path from Sandberg to Weitov quarry present the area of Devínska Kobyla not only as a natural treasure, but also as an important paleontological site with an extraordinary history . There are 7 newly installed educational-artistic elements to be found here, with the theme of flora and fauna…

The World Biodiversity Day in Bratislava
22nd May is Internetion Biodiversity Day – Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development (BROZ) in cooperation with Slovak and international partners (CEE web for biodiversity) have prepared several interesting activities for public in National Nature Reserve Devinska Kobyla (1) and on the confluence of Danube and Morava river (2). 1. Come and visit…

Wetlands Day
Each year on February 2nd we commemorate the World Day of Wetlands, habitats that are home to rare plant and animal species – many of which are already critically endangered. In 2014 the main topic is also the relationship of wetlands and agriculture and promotion of partnership between conservationists and farmers by their protection and…

A study visit focused on grazing management in protected areas in Austria
On 19.-20.9. 2013, within the project Natura 2000 BA, we participated along with representatives of the SNC, Daphne, Bratislava Magistrate and the Regional Office for the Environment, in an interesting study visit in Austria, aimed at successful examples of pasture management in protected areas. We visited the sites Lobau, Bisamberg, Glaslauterriegel-Heferlberg-Fluxberg and Hundsheim.

Restoration measures on the River Morava – a field trip and exchange of experience with the project LIFE + Lower Morava Floodplains
The visit focused on bilateral exchange of experience in restoration measures on the River Morava. The currently running LIFE + project Lower Morava floodplains, is based on previous projects of revitalization of side arms, meanders and shore fortifications. Within the exchange of experience, we visited three sites in the area between Angern and Markthof.

After more than 50 years animals graze again on Devínska Kobyla
BROZ launched an activity in the NNR Devínska Kobyla today- restoration of a traditional grazing. On the lower terrace of the Weitov quarry, in an electrical enclosure, there is an initial herd of 23 goats, which will supervised by a shepherd, gradually pasture area of about six hectares.

The beginnings of grazing on Devínska Kobyla
A press conference to launch grazing in Weitov quarry.

Lecture to the public – Grazing in SPA Šúr
We invite the public to a lecture focused on the performance of project activities – planned management measures in SKUEV Šúr. On 03.07.2013 at 17.30 at the premises AI NOVA, Saint Jur.

Removing of invasive tree species with volunteers
On Saturday 27.4., we met in the area of European importance Ostrovné lúčky at Rusovce, to spent active time together with volunteers removing non-native tree and shrub species and planting additional trees with the help of the community geocachers.

A Spring Cleaning of the Karloveské side arm
Cleaning of the valuable site of Community importance along Karloveské arm took place today – thanks to an abundant participation of volunteers from the Green Patrol, Greenpeace, OZ Karloveská Bay and many others, but especially with the strong support and cooperation of BVS, we removed several containers full of garbage from the site and made…

World Wetlands Day
For conservationists from BROZ, it is important not only to restore and protect wetlands, but also to highlight their important role in the ecosystem, of which man is a part. Therefore, activities to improve information and awareness among the general public, are one of the priorities.

Workshop on the activities of the guardians of nature
In early December, a meeting of representatives of the State Nature Conservancy, representatives of BROZ, project partners and guardians of nature in relation to Natura 2000 BA, took place at the Faculty of Science.

The Declaration of a Protected Area Sihoť
By May 15 the river island with pristine nature, alluvial forests, source of drinking water, dynamically flowing Karloveské arm, or for example, the largest European Black Woodpecker, a protected area with the second and third level of protection. The ceremonial declaration of the Protected Area took place in the Water Museum.
Project title: Restoration of NATURA 2000 sites in cross-border Bratislava capital region
Project scheme: LIFE+, Nature and Biodiversity
Project acronym: NATURA 2000 BA
Project code: LIFE10 NAT/SK/080
Countries: Slovakia, Hungary, Austria
Administrative regions: SK010 Bratislavský kraj, SK021 Trnavský kraj, HU221 Győri, NUTS2 Niederösterreich, NUTS3 Weinviertel
Lead partner
Project partners
Project objectives
The Bratislava Region and its surrounding display high diversity of natural conditions with high number of habitats and species of European importance. The trilateral cross-border region of Slovakia, Austria and Hungary including valuable sites of NATURA 2000 network represent strategic region where natural heritage should be preserved transnationally. Joint conservation efforts including suitable restoration management should lead to active nature protection and promotion of natural values in the region.
The main project objective is to establish a functional network of NATURA 2000 areas in the trilateral region of Bratislava and to secure favourable conservation status for habitats of Community interest by restoration and management of 17 sites within the project site.
Specific objectives of the project:
1. Restoration and introduction of appropriate management of habitats of Community
2. Restoration of river branch connectivity, water regime and flowing water conditions
3. Land lease and following introduction of appropriate habitat management
4. Implementation of measures preventing uncontrolled tourism and disturbance in target
5. Awareness rising of key stakeholders and public
The Bratislava Region and its surounding display high diversity of natural conditions from forest habitats, grassland, rocky habitats and caves to water and wetland habitats (including Danube and Morava river). Within the project site, both bio-geographical regions in Slovakia meets – the Pannonian and the Alpine bio-geographical regions. There are many protected areas of national and european importance. Bratislava is rapidly developing town, which is causing potential risks for nature values in surroundings. Traditional forms of land management are in regress and protected areas are under strong pressure of visitors of areas. That is why BROZ together with project partners are realising project focused on restoration of NATURA 2000 sitesin Bratislava in years 2012-2017.
(author of the map: R. Michalka)
A. Preparatory actions, elaboration of management plans and/or of action plans
A.1: Elaboration of management plans for selected SCIs
– 4 management plans will be elaborated and approved before the end of the project for the following SCIs: Horný les, Devínska Kobyla, Ostrovné lúčky and Devínske alúvium Moravy, which will be serving as models for other SCIs management planning in the future
A.2: Preparation of expert study on restoration and management of forest habitats
– study serves as a base document for implementation of concrete conservation measures in frame of the action C.1. Three main activities are: a) planting of native tree species, b) removal of invasive species, c) preserving of valuable trees and modification of logging.
A.3: Preparation of expert study on restoration of forest steppe habitats
– study serves as a base document for implementation of concrete conservation measures in frame of the action
A.4: Preparation of expert study on restoration of grassland habitats
– study on restoration of grassland habitats is focusing on Abrod, Devínska Kobyla, Devínske alúvium Moravy, Devínske jazero. Restoration study is based on habitat mapping, taking into account specifics of focused habitats
A.5: Preparation of expert study on restoration of traditional habitat management by grazing
– study serves as a base document for implementation of concrete conservation measures in frame of the action C.4
A.6: Preparation of expert study and technical documentation on restoration of water and wetland habitats
– studies for major restoration (large-scale restoration) of the main side arms of Danube are finished. The studies deal with historical changes in the side arms, evaluate the transverse and longitudinal profiles of the riverbeds and identify the barriers which need to be removed to ensure the restoration
A.7: Preparation of expert study on restoration and protection of rocky habitats and caves
– study will collect information and analyse current distribution of targeted habitats, historical data on their state and distribution, current conservation status, current land use (if there is any), threats and legal ownership status. Based on this, the study will propose the most appropriate actions to achieve best restoration results
B. Purchase/ lease of land and/or compensation payments for use rights
B.1: Long-term lease of land
– together 70 ha of acres for period of 30 years will be rented, action is connected to needs of the concrete conservation measures, which are based on the results of preparatory actions (expert studies). Detailed analyses of land ownership have been elaborated for priority areas for land leas
C. Concrete conservation actions
C.1: Restoration and management of forest habitats
– activity consists of three main activities: a) removal of invasive species (at 420 ha) b) planting of native tree species (45 000 trees) and c) marking and preserving valuable trees (9 000) and modification of logging
C.2: Restoration of forest steppe habitats
– restoration activities focused on removal of non-native tree species and shrubs, local mulching and vegetation cutting, 115 ha of grasslands restored and prepared for grazing
C.3: Restoration of grassland habitats (DAPHNE)
– the main aim of activity is restoration of 150 ha of degraded biotops of xerotermic dry grassland, Mollinia meadows, wetlands and creation of conditions appropriate for long-term conservation managements
C.4: Restoration of traditional habitat management by grazing
– grazing with breeds of animals choosen according to elaborated expert study will be realized at localities SPA Devínska Kobyla, Ostrovné lúčky and Biskupické luhy for the purpose of conservation activities at non-forest habitats, 150 goats, 100 sheep and 20 cows purchased from the project will be grazing at least 185 ha of meadows and grassland habitat
C.5: Restoration of water and wetland habitats
– with application of appropriate hydrotechnical measures improvement of water regime of wetlands and other water habitats will be achieved at least at 6 places, the main activities are revitalisations of river side-arms (Devínske, Karloveské, Starohájske), migration barriers will be removed and appropriate conditions for reproduction of fish and amphibians
C.6: Restoration and protection of rocky habitats and caves
– restoration activities will be realized at 1,67 ha and will be covering removal of non-native tree species and bushes, building of barriers for the purpose of regulation of tourism (partial or complete prohibition)
C.7: Regulation of disturbing human impact on habitats and species (SNC SR)
– system of patrolling the selected protected areas, disturbing of protected species and negative impact at target biotops will be reduced after implementation of tourism control provided by rangers, the part of this activity is also control of illegal accesses to project site, events with volunteers focused on litter removal, border marking and restoration of tourist infrastructure at SPA Devinska Kobyla
D. Public awareness and dissenation
D.1: Web site development and maintenance
– public and stakeholders as well will get access to information about project activities and results thanks to web page, which is available in 4 language versions (SK, Hu, DE, EN)
D.2: Communication and regular meetings with key stakeholders and decision makers, preparation of expert workshops and seminars, sharing of experience
– regular communication with stakeholders including organisation of workshops and seminars for the purpose to discuss actual nature conservation issues associated with planning of project activities and appropriate management plans
D.3: Environmental awareness raising and improvement of interpretation value of NATURA 2000 sites (DAPHNE)
– 7 educational elements in SPA Devínska Kobyla
– 30 big information panels will be installed at project localities
– 20 small information panels will be installed
D.4: Publishing of information, educational and promotional materials
– for the purpose of public awareness about project activities different types of leaflets, brochures, maps, stickers, calendars, textile bags, T-shirts or magnets will be produced
D.5: Elaboration and implementation of complex educational programs on the NATURA 2000 in the region for schools (DAPHNE)
– 2015 – complex educational program will be created
– 2016 – memory game, worksheets will be printed
D.6: Installation of wildlife watching hides (Pisztrangkor)
– 6 watching hides in project area Sgigetkoz (HU) wil be created
– installation of watching hides in SPA Hrušov
D.7: Promotional and educational films
– 2 documentary films will be elaborated
D.8: Education, training and exchange of know-how aimed at nature and visitor management (NPDA)
– training for project team focused on topic tourism management in protected areas will be organised
D.9: Presentations for students, teachers and public, guided walks and excursions in SK-HU-AT trilateral cross-border area
– from the beginning of the project are organizing a lot of excursions and presantations, which are focused on propagation of project activities and project areas
D.10: Promotion of project on conferences and in media
– project will be presented at 5 conferences, 7 press releases, 35 print and web articles will be published in media, 10 radio outputs and 5 TV outputs
E.1 Project management by BROZ
E.2 Project bookkeeping and financial management
E.3 Monitoring of impact of project actions on target habitats
– monitoring of vegetation at selected localities focused on monitoring of impact of conservation management activities on vegetation
E.4 Monitoring of impact of project actions on main fauna species
E.5 Networking with other projects
– 2012 – networking with LIFE+ „Pannon gyepek élőhelykezelése magyarországon“, Maďarsko
E.6 Project auditing
E.7 After-LIFE conservation plan
A. Preparatory actions, elaboration of management plans and/or of action plans
A.1: Elaboration of management plans for selected SCIs
4 management plans were developed and approved (9/2018) for the project sites SCI Horný les, SCI Devínske jazero, SCI Devínska Kobyla and SCI Ostrovné lúčky.
A.2: Preparation of expert study on restoration and management of forest habitats
Study is completed 3/2014.
A.3: Preparation of expert study on restoration of forest steppe habitats
Study is completed 12/2012.
A.4: Preparation of expert study on restoration of grassland habitats
Study is completed 9/2014.
A.5: Preparation of expert study on restoration of traditional habitat management by grazing
Study is completed 12/2012.
A.6: Preparation of expert study and technical documentation on restoration of water and wetland habitats
Conducted studies:
Study on the revitalisation of the Devínske rameno tributary -12/2012
Study on the revitalisation of the Karloveské rameno tributary -12/2012
Study on the revitalisation of the Starohájske rameno tributary – 4/2014
Study on the restoration of wetland habitats- 9/2014
Study on the revitalisation of the Porec brook -10/2014
Technical documentation on the Devínske rameno tributary – 1/2013
Technical documentation on the Karloveské rameno tributary – 12/2015
Technical documentation on the Porec brook – 12/2015
A.7: Preparation of expert study on restoration and protection of rocky habitats and caves
Study is completed 12/2012.
B. Purchase/ lease of land and/or compensation payments for use rights
First lease of land: 4.2.2014
Lease of land in the cadastral territory of Vojka: 35.0306 ha
Lease of land in the cadastral territory of Kyselica: 57.6330 ha
Lease of land in the cadastral territory of Dobrohošť: 57.4761 ha
Lease of land in the cadastral territory of Rohovce: 3.4973 ha
Lease of land in the cadastral territory of Bodíky: 2.4453 ha
TOTAL: 156.08 ha
The leased land is used for the implementation of a number of nature protection measures: restoration of natural biodiversity of riparian forests (planting of native woody plant species, elimination of invasive woody plants, protection of valuable tree individuals, etc.), restoration of forest steppe habitats, restoration of traditional management of meadow habitats through grazing and restoration of wetland habitats.
C. Concrete conservation actions
C.1: Restoration and management of forest habitats
a) Planting of native tree species
– Period 2012 – 2014 were planted 36 000 native tree species
– Period 2015 – 2016 were planted 25 000 native tree species
The planting was realized especially in locality of SAC Danube floodplain forest. The planted species were:Populus x canescens, Populus alba, Populus nigra, Quercus robur, Fraxinus angustifolius, Tilia cordata and Salix alba.
b) Removal of invasive species
Elimination of invasive woody plants, especially the tree of heaven, in the SCI Dunajské luhy, SCI Bratislavské luhy and SCI Ostrovné lúčky in three stages in the total area of 203.5 ha.
Elimination of invasive woody plants in the SCI Horný les in the total area of 25 ha.
Elimination of invasive woody plants by use of project machinery and project staff in the total area of 228 ha.
c) Marking and preserving valuable trees and modification of logging
Since the beginning of the project there is intensive communication with land owners and managers of forest cover. Since 2015 BROZ has been involved in the preparation of management plan of forest for the following 10 years.
C.2: Restoration of forest steppe habitats
The work was in progress from June 2013 and was carried out in the SCI Šúr, SCI Ostrovné lúčky, SCI Biskupické luhy, SCI Bratislavské luhy and SCI Dunajské luhy.
Implemented measures: elimination of invasive woody plants and herbs, mulching, mowing, elimination of non-native woody plants (Pinus nigra), livestock grazing.
The measures were implemented in the total area of 118 ha.
C.3: Restoration of grassland habitats (DAPHNE)
SCI Devínska Kobyla:
Elimination of volunteer shrubs, non-native and invasive woody plants, mowing:
SCI Abrod
Restoration of overgrown meadows through milling, mulching and mowing
SCI Devínske alúvium Moravy
Restoration of overgrown meadows through milling, mulching and mowing
SCI Devínske jazero
Restoration of overgrown meadows through milling, mulching and mowing
The work was carried out in the total area of 158.25 ha
C.4: Restoration of traditional habitat management by grazing
Grazing was restored in 4 project sites:
SCI Devínska kobyla – grazing of goats in the site of NNR Devínska Kobyla
SCI Šúr – grazing of cows
SCI Dunajské luhy – in 2 sites; grazing of a mixed herd of sheep and goats takes place in Dobrohošť and grazing of cows takes places in Bodíky
SCI Biskupické luhy – grazing of sheep and goats
Grazing has proved as very effective in maintaining the results of initial restoration management as well as in suppressing invasive plants
Grazing takes place in the total area of 144 ha
C.5: Restoration of water and wetland habitats
Revitalisation of the Devínske rameno tributary – 2015
Revitalisation of the Karloveské rameno tributary – 2016
Revitalisation of the Porec brook in the length of 600 m – 2017
Restoration of 4 wetland sites in the SCI Dunajské luhy – 2016/2017
C.6: Restoration and protection of rocky habitats and caves
The work was begun in February 2013 in the SCI Devínska Kobyla; elimination of volunteer woody plants.
Reconstruction of the closure of a former adit Veľké Prepadlé in the SCI Homoľské karpaty in 2016 which is of great importance for bats.
Reconstruction of the entrance part in the site Slovinec in the SCI Devínska Kobyla – 2017.
Restoration of rocky habitats in the SCI Devínska Kobyla through grazing of a goat herd in the area of 1.8 ha.
C.7: Regulation of disturbing human impact on habitats and species (SNC SR)
ermanent activities of 2 professional rangers at several project sites
– restoration of border marking
-regular controls with local Police forces
– events with volunteers focused on litter removal
– prohibition of access to SPA Ostrovne lucky and SPA Devinska Kobyla
– installation of infopanels
– restoration of hicking trail in National nature reserve Devínska Kobyla
– installation of new gazebos and brenches for visitors to the National Nature Reserve Devínska Kobyla
D. Public awareness and dissemination
D.1: Web site development and maintenance
Webpage initiated and updated regularly.
D.2: Communication and regular meetings with key stakeholders and decision makers, preparation of expert workshops and seminars, sharing of experience
regular meetings with stakeholders (owners, users of lands, experts, interest groups, self-government)
– 10 methodological workshops organised
– 3 two-day excursions for stakeholders realized in National Park Donau-Auen and in Morava floodplain forest with demostration of grazing and forest managment in protected areas and in project area SPA Dunajské luhy, which was focusing on Danube floodplain forest in this area.
D.3: Environmental awareness raising and improvement of interpretation value of NATURA 2000 sites (DAPHNE)
7 educational elements in SPA Devínska Kobyla
37 big information panels will be installed at project localities
20 small information panels will be installed
Designing a leaflet – Devínska Kobyla map guide
D.4: Publishing of information, educational and promotional materials
Project leaflet– 2012
Stickers – 2013
Calendar– 2013 – 2017
Project brochure – 2015
Textile bags – 2015
T-shirts – 2015
Brochure about the project site Szigetköz – 2015
Fridge magnets – 2017
Layman report – 2018
Brochure for stakeholders – 2018
D.5: Elaboration and implementation of complex educational programs on the NATURA 2000 in the region for schools (DAPHNE)
Development of 4 educational programmes for schools and their teaching in 179 lessons to 5 451 pupils
Creation of various teaching materials:
Offer for schools
Colouring books
Painted canvas
Text handbook for primary and secondary schools
Illustrated handbook for primary and secondary schools
CD for secondary schools
Identification sheets
Leaflets about NATURA 2000 sites
Accordion book – plants of Devínska Kobyla
Workbooks for primary schools
Workbooks for secondary schools
NATURA 2000 memory game
D.6: Installation of wildlife watching hides (Pisztrangkor)
6 non-traditional nature observation points were created in the project site Szigetkoz (HU).
Installation of an observation tower in the SCI Hrušovská zdrž.
D.7: Promotional and educational films
2016 – Production of the project film called „Bratislava – mesto uprostred prírody“, 52 min.
- Presentation at film festivals Hory a mesto and Ekotopfilm
- Premiere in the RTVS – 1.9.2018
- DVD film production – 3 000 pcs
During the implementation of the project, several short videos showing the progress of project activities were produced (grazing, water revitalisations, planting of native woody plants) and then published on the project website and in social media.
D.8: Education, training and exchange of know-how aimed at nature and visitor management (NPDA)
2013 -study visit for project personnel organised in NP Donau-Auen organized
2014 -study visit for project personnel organised in Szigetkoz and in SPA Devinska Kobyla organized
D.9: Presentations for students, teachers and public, guided walks and excursions in SK-HU-AT trilateral cross-border area
Realized actions:
14 presentations for students, 362 participants
33 excursions for students, 758 participants
46 presentations for the public, 1 323 participants
54 excursions for the public, 1 002 participants
15 ship excursions 347 participants
8 excursions for teachers
Training of 12 nature guides
11 excursions on the occasion of the Earth Day, 163 participants
D.10: Promotion of project on conferences and in media
Realized outputs:
The project was presented at 9 conferences
6 press conferences were held.
16 press releases
171 published articles
11 presentations of the project on the radio
42 presentations of the project on television
E.1 Project management by BROZ
E.2 Project bookkeeping and financial management
E.3 Monitoring of impact of project actions on target habitats
Vegetation monitoring capturing changes after implemented restoration measures in 5 project sites in 18 monitoring areas.
Monitoring of selected sites on Devínska Kobyla after management actions focusing on the elimination of the non-native species, black locust.
Monitoring of nutrients in the SCI Abrod
Hydrological monitoring in the SCI Abrod
E.4 Monitoring of impact of project actions on main fauna species
Monitoring of selected animal species capturing the state before and after implementing restoration measures within the project:
Monitoring reports:
Butterfly monitoring
Fish monitoring
Beetle monitoring
Hydrobiological monitoring
Amphibian monitoring
Mollusc monitoring
E.5 Networking with other projects
– 2012 – netoworking with CHKO České Středohoří
– 2012 – networking in Czech republic
– 2012 – netorking about grazing, Prague, Czech republic
– 2012 – networking with LIFE+ „Pannon gyepek élőhelykezelése magyarországon“, Maďarsko
– 2012 – networking about grazing, OZ Manner, južná Morava
– 2013 – networking about river restoration, project LIFE “Lower Morava Floodplains”
– 2016 – networking with project LIFE11 NAT/SI/882
– 2017 – networking with project LIFE14/SK/001306
– 2017 – networking with project LIFE Restoration of the Lower Morava Floodplains
– 2018 – networking with organisations in Switzerland engaged in environmental education
E.6 Project auditing
E.7 After-LIFE conservation plan
FINAL REPORT – download
Kosačky na zlatobyľ
V týždenníku Život vyšiel článok o realizácii pastvy v našom projektovom území – v SKUEV Biskupické luhy. V článku je priblížený aj význam pastvy, ktorá sa realizuje na viacerých miestach v Bratislave.
Devínske rameno Dunaja sa po desaťročiach dočkalo revitalizácie
Devínske rameno bolo v 70-tych rokoch minulého storočia vodohospodárskymi úpravami umelo oddelené od hlavného toku Dunaja, voda sa doň dostala iba počas záplav. Postupne sa zanášalo sedimentmi, pri nízkom stave Dunaja bolo koryto bez vody a neboli tu vhodné podmienky pre život rýb, či vtákov. Opätovným napojením ramena na hlavný tok Dunaja voda začne znovu prúdiť, prinášať potrebné živiny a život sa tu začne postupne prebúdzať.
O projekte Obnovy Devínskeho ramena v Devíne na TA3
Plánovaný projekt obnovy Devínskeho ramena Dunaja
Televízny rozhovor a plánovanej revitalizácii Devínskeho ramena v televíznom rozhovore TV Bratislava.
Ing. Andrej Devečka – project manager
devecka (at) broz.sk