mokraď na Veľkolélskom ostrove

To Velký Lél Island only in rubber boots

Currently, the wetlands on Velký Lél Island are full of water.
A few years ago, we did such a thing – we changed the slope of the bottom in the drainage channel. It was a canal designed to drain water from Velký Lél Island. It was built in the past so that the water from the island flowed away after the floods sooner and people could use the meadows for grazing cattle as soon as possible.

Petition: Save the Danube inland delta

Dear Minister of the Environment,

We, the signatories of this petition, turn to you in demand of a modification of the Temporary management terms for Gabčíkovo – Nagymaros Barrage System in the territory of Slovak Republic in order to provide the necessary care and protection for the last remains of the Danube inland delta in Slovak territory.

How restoring floodplain forests helps the climate

Floodplain forests are often overlooked in the search for solutions of climate change. However, floodplain forest restoration can play a very important role in reducing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere.

Trees have the ability to capture large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere and store it as carbon in their tissues. An adult tree can sequester up to 22kg of CO2 in one year.
As a result, forests are extremely important in slowing down the ongoing climate change caused by high concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere as a result of burning of fossil fuels and habitat destruction.