A study visit focused on grazing management in protected areas in Austria

On 19.-20.9. 2013, within the project Natura 2000 BA, we participated along with representatives of the SNC, Daphne, Bratislava Magistrate and the Regional Office for the Environment, in an interesting study visit in Austria, aimed at successful examples of pasture management in protected areas. We visited the sites Lobau, Bisamberg, Glaslauterriegel-Heferlberg-Fluxberg and Hundsheim.

Restoration measures on the River Morava – a field trip and exchange of experience with the project LIFE + Lower Morava Floodplains

The visit focused on bilateral exchange of experience in restoration measures on the River Morava. The currently running LIFE + project Lower Morava floodplains, is based on previous projects of revitalization of side arms, meanders and shore fortifications. Within the exchange of experience, we visited three sites in the area between Angern and Markthof.  

A Spring Cleaning of the Karloveské side arm

Cleaning of the valuable site of Community importance along Karloveské arm took place today – thanks to an abundant participation of volunteers from the Green Patrol, Greenpeace, OZ Karloveská Bay and many others, but especially with the strong support and cooperation of BVS, we removed several containers full of garbage from the site and made…

World Wetlands Day

For conservationists from BROZ, it is important not only to restore and protect wetlands, but also to highlight their important role in the ecosystem, of which man is a part. Therefore, activities to improve information and awareness among the general public, are one of the priorities.