Workshop for farmers in SPA Ostrovné lúky

We would like to invite you to a workshop for farmers with a focus on Agroenvironmental Schemes in the Ostrovné lúky, which will be held at 10 a.m. on 3rd November at CEE SAŽP Dropie, Kolárovská 55, 946 14 Zemianska Olča. Please confirm your participation until 2nd November (Wednesday) 12 p.m. at katarina.beresova(at) The participation is free of charge. Program: 10:00 – 10:20 Arrival and registration…

Workshop Tajomstvá hávede

From 24th to 26th August 2016, the people with unusual interest got together in The Centre of Environmental Education Dropie. All three days were dedicated to the new environmental educational program The Secret Life of Bugs. The participants of workshop were teachers from kindergartens and elementary schools, lecturers from Slovak Museum of Nature Protection and Speleology, from Regional Association…

Cincér News Letter

Hungarian partner of the project Duna – Ipoly National Park Directorate prepared new No. of Cincér new letter, which is devoted to LIFE Danube floodplains project. Cincér news letter Here is the summary of the articles: The first article: The empire of the white tailed eagle. A report was made with  Balázs Szelényi, the national  species…