Pre školy, verejnosť aj odborníkov ponúkame rôzne exkurzie vedené skúsenými sprievodcami v chránených územiach Záhoria, Malých Karpát a Dunajských luhov. Individuálny program exkurzie je možné dohodnúť si mailom broz(at) alebo telefonicky (+ 421-2-555 62693).
Pešia exkurzia na Veľkolélskom ostrove
Half-day to all-day walking trip on the Veľkolélsky Island near Komárno as one of the last big remaining Danube islands in Slovakia. You will walk through different natural habitat types – soft wood floodplain forest, wet meadows or gravel shore of the Danube. Information panels at the entrance and in the middle of the island will lead you through the most interesting places like grasslands with examples of the traditional grazing by cattle (cows, sheep, goats, horses), you will see place of restored nesting banks for Sand Martin birds, side arm covered by European water chestnut, several hundred years old oaks, small nature reserve with the highest degree of protection and much more…the island is also an ornithological paradise with flocks of grey herons, cormorants and the most patient visitors will be able to see also Little-ringed Plover or White-tailed Eagle circling above the island. For horse lovers the local riding club is offering also excursions on the back of the horse. BROZ (Slovak NGO Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development, who has leased this island for 25 years) offers during the season skilled guides who will lead your group through the most interesting parts of the island and will gladly explain the nature conservation management which they run here.
Pešia exkurzia v cezhraničnej oblasti Slovensko-Rakúsko
The cross-border area of the Slovak Republic and Austria offers various ways how to spend you free time enjoying the nature and culture at the same time. At first our guides from BROZ will lead you through the nature trail of the Devínska Kobyla National Nature Reserve (on the very first hills of Carpathians) with astonishing view to Austria and its National Park Donau-Auen. The reserve itself is interesting from the geological, paleontological as well as botanical point of view. In huge stones you could find here prints of the various scallops or even shark teeth. On the area of only 100 ha more than 1 700 higher plant species could be found. When you will walk down to the Devín district the visit of the castle ruins will offer you great view down the confluence of two rivers – the Morava and the Danube. Under the castle you could have nice meal and buy some traditional local currant wine. Heading to the harbour you will find a collection of information panels and for those more courageous of you our guides will take you to the adventurous jungle walk through the Slavonic Island Reserve.