The Danube Visited a School

As part of spreading awareness about the nature protection of the Danube region, we organized two lectures for schools. Children from the 1st and 3rd grade of J. A. Komenský Elementary School in Bratislava had the opportunity to learn a lot of new and interesting information not only about the Danube River itself, but also about the adjacent floodplain forests and wetlands…

Prehrádzka D1

Transversal lines of weirs in the Danube river branch system

The area of the Danube floodplains between Dobrohošť and Sap is a part of the Danube Inland Delta. It is a unique and rare anabranching river pattern with a system of branches. In the past these branches and side arms meandered freely and the material of the Danube gravels and sands that the flow brought into the landscape was able to capture large amounts of groundwater.