From mowing to rare findings
In March 2017, in cooperation with the local agricultural association, we restored by grassing an area (approximately 23 ha) of waterlogged fields and degraded meadows near the Číčovské dead arm.
In March 2017, in cooperation with the local agricultural association, we restored by grassing an area (approximately 23 ha) of waterlogged fields and degraded meadows near the Číčovské dead arm.
At the beginning of October 2022, we organized an expert excursion where we visited sites with significant and extensive restoration measures on the Danube (in Austria) and several sites with implemented restoration measures on the Isar river in Germany.
Currently, as part of the LIFE project Restoration and management of Danube floodplain habitats, we installed 9 new information boards at strategic locations within the Dunajské kriviny, Bodíky, Veľkolelsky and Apálsky ostrov islands.
We invite children from all schools, non-governmental organizations, clubs, centers and associations from the Danube basin to participate in the Danube Master of Art competition, which since 2004 has brought together thousands of children from the countries through which the Danube River flows. The competition aims to encourage children to think about what the environment means to them and to recognize the value and importance of rivers.
In the frame of the Restoration and management of Danube floodplain habitat LIFE project we prepared this year new informational and promotional materials. Beside the wall calendar for 2022 we published also other language versions of project leaflet (currently available in Slovak, Hungary and English).
Thanks to the cooperation with VÚVH, 12 pieces of MERATCH equipment were deployed, which are placed on individual weirs within the Danube branch system and monitor the state of the water level with an accuracy of 1 millimetre.
The Slovak mountains hide small treasures, which many have no idea that they exist in our country. They are wild orchids, and it is the Strážovské and Súľovské vrchy that can boast one of the highest species diversity in Central Europe.
As part of spreading awareness about the nature protection of the Danube region, we organized two lectures for schools. Children from the 1st and 3rd grade of J. A. Komenský Elementary School in Bratislava had the opportunity to learn a lot of new and interesting information not only about the Danube River itself, but also about the adjacent floodplain forests and wetlands…
National Nature Reserve Apálsky ostrov with 5th the highest degree of protection represents one of the exceptional and rare project sites of BROZ. This area with surface of 85.97 ha was declared in 1954 to ensure the protection of unique communities of willow-poplar floodplain forest.
In the middle of February, the volunteers had met to help again the pasture species in Site of Community Importance Veľký Kopec. The locality is known by the occurrence of steppe and forest-steppe habitats.