Education in the wetlands
Wetlands are used directly for educating the public. Microtus minibus runs in Hungary. In Austria you can sail among the reeds.
Wetlands are used directly for educating the public. Microtus minibus runs in Hungary. In Austria you can sail among the reeds.
Throughout the month of July, a crowdfunding campaign was active to fund the publication of our children’s fairy tale book – Stories from the Meadows and Wetlands. We are pleased to say that the campaign was successful.
The level of the Danube has risen by about 4 meters in recent days. This brought life-threatening floods to the landscape and nature of the Danube region.
In July 2021, we met with our external monitor and project team in Ostrovné lúky for the last time. We checked the activities carried out since last year. We also had a look on wetlands, planted trees or extended pasture in Bodzianske Lúky. The project ended in May and we believe that the target species…
The BROZ people decided to issue a fairy-tale book for children and to translate the environmental connections into a children´s language.
The restored steep river bank, which we implemented here in March 2021, has experienced its inhabitants. Gradually, up to 500 pairs of Sand Martins nested here.
You can only find the rare plant of Thlaspi jankae, a protected species of European value, on Zobor mountain by Nitra, in the national park of Slovak Karst and in nearby karst areas of the Hungarian national park Aggtelek.
In the area of Zemné hradisko, which is a part of Site of Community Importance Horný Vrch, we succeeded by conservation management. The Russian bugloss (Echium russicum) is in our country as well as in the European Union the protected plant species – the species of European interest.
As we announced in February this year, we started with the creation of biocorridors, the so-called ‘Highways’ for root voles, which will allow them to move more easily between locations.
Within the project of the Conservation of Birds in SPA Ostrovné Lúky we organized a summer welcome event in the SEV Dropie. It was attended by the local residents, stakeholders and primary school students.