LIFE 4 Steppe birds

Conservation and return of steppe birds to lowlands of Slovakia

LIFE21-NAT-SK-LIFE 4 STEPPE BIRDS/101074480 The aim of the project is the protection and restoration of habitats that represent potentially suitable habitats for selected ten bird species of European importance: black-tailed godwit, european roller, red-footed falcon, common redshank, garganey, lesser grey shrike, red-backed shrike, tawny pipit, scops owl, and pied avocet. The project areas are predominantly…

LIFE Metamorphosis

Developing best practices in butterfly conservation in Central and Eastern Europe

Developing best practices in butterfly conservation in Central and Eastern Europe The Metamorphosis project focuses on the conservation of 15 butterflies species listed in Annexes II and IV of the EU Habitats Directive, in three member states (Slovakia, Hungary and Romania) and habitat type 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia)…

Danube Wild Island Habitat Corridor

WILDisland – Danube Wild Island Habitat Corridor

WILDisland The project builds on the previous cooperation of 9 countries of the European Union within the DANUBEPARKS project, which brought a comprehensive mapping of islands along the entire flow of the Danube. LIFE WILDisland brings together 15 partners from these countries, whose common goal is to restore the natural dynamics of the Danube, revitalize the…

Life endemic panalp

Conservation of endemic species and dry grassland habitats in the contact zone of Pannonian and Alpine bioregions

We restore flowering sides The LIFE endemic PANALP project is focused on the restoration of drought-loving grassland communities, which are currently threatened by encroaching trees, invasive species and the planting of non-native trees. The restoration of these biotopes takes place by appropriate removal of woody plants and subsequently by the restoration of sustainable traditional management…

syseľ pasienkový logo projektu

Conservation of European Ground Squirrel

Conservation of European Ground Squirrel Project focuses on protection and enhancement of European Ground Squirrel populations in the nortwestern borders of it´s range: in Slovakia, Czech republic and in Poland. The aim of this project is to support existing populations, restore suitable habitats and reintroduce the species to former localities. Novinky & ActivitiesMain informationTarget speciesProject…

Dynamic LIFE lines danube

Dynamic LIFE Lines Danube

Read more on the project website Basic infoProject activitiesNews Project name: Dynamic LIFE Lines Danube Project scheme: LIFE Project reference: LIFE18 NAT/AT/000733 Duration: 15/07/2019 – 30/06/2026 Budget:  10 730 658 €   The project “Dynamic LIFE Lines Danube” is an Austrian-Slovak cooperation for the restoration of floodplains along the river Danube. In both countries, a total…

Conservation of subpannonic dry grassland habitats and species

„Grazing is amazing“ Project LIFE SUB-PANNONIC focuses on restoration of rare dry grassland ecosystems which are currently threatened by succession and invasive plant species due to the abandonement of traditional grazing and management of these localitites. The restoration of the rare habitats is done with the help of four-legged mowers – sustainable management through grazing…