
The project builds on the previous cooperation of 9 countries of the European Union within the DANUBEPARKS project, which brought a comprehensive mapping of islands along the entire flow of the Danube. LIFE WILDisland brings together 15 partners from these countries, whose common goal is to restore the natural dynamics of the Danube, revitalize the islands and protect the softwood alluvial forest habitat.

For more information, visit the official website of the project.

From expert study to technical projection

The revitalisation of the old Danube side arms can be called in one word "process". Just as their degradation has been gradual, due to modifications for navigation, their revitalisation in places where it makes sense for valuable floodplain forest habitats, birds, fish and amphibians, for groundwater recharge and flood protection for us humans, will be gradual.

Expert data for technical project documentation

In addition to the design of revitalisation measures, the preparatory phase of the LIFE WILDisland project also included scanning of the project areas using LiDAR technology, which works on the principle of transmitting light pulses.

Proposed revitalisation measures of the WILDisland project

The aim of the proposed measures of the LIFE WILDisland is to contribute significantly to the restoration of lateral connectivity and the improvement of the water regime in the area of the Medvedovská river branch system.

We hosted project partners from the Danubeparks network

The international LIFE WILDisland project brings together 15 partners from eight countries from Bulgaria to Germany. One of the very worthwhile and valuable traditions of the project is the annual meeting in the home country of one of the partners. This year we at BROZ had the honor to prepare an unforgettable experience for all of us in cooperation with our colleagues from Fertö Hanság National Park.

A significant step for our Danube projects

On 16 May, together with experts from the Water Research Institute, we participated in the meeting of the Slovak-Hungarian Boundary Waters Commission to present the plans, visions and activities of our Danube LIFE projects

Roads through relics of river arms

The winter season is ideal for crossing the original river arms. Exposed majestic poplars and willows let us know where their paths led. Nowadays, most of the river side arms are only supplied with water for a very limited period of increased flows in the Danube. All efforts to tame our rivers have led to a deterioration in the condition of the floodplain forest habitats. The WILDisland project plans to restore and connect the two original relics of the arms, which once formed the very dynamic and varied Medvedovska river branch system, with the main flow of the Danube. We expect that increased groundwater infiltration will also improve conditions for the adjacent floodplain forests.

Workshop at the Croatian Danube

The WILDisland team met at the Croatian Danube in the Kopački Rit Nature Park, where we took part in a project management workshop.

Islands from above

Take a look at the two Danube islands that will get the new look thanks to the LIFE WILDisland project.

Danube Islands

Together with our DANUBEPARKS partners, we are launching a new project focused on the entire flow of the Danube, which will bring restoration of the side arms and the revitalization of the islands.

Project title: Danube Wild Island Habitat Corridor

Project sector: LIFE, Nature and Biodiversity

Project acronym: LIFE WILDisland

Project code: LIFE20 NAT/AT/000063

Duration: 01/09/2021 – 31/08/2027

Total project budget: 14,222,637 € (63,98 % EU financial contribution)

Coordinating beneficiary: Nationalpark Donau-Auen GmbH (AUT)

Project partners: 

  • Alsó-Duna-völgyi Vízügyi Igazgatóság (Lower Danube Valley Water Directorate) (HUN)
  • Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie (SVK)
  • Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority (ROU)
  • Duna-Dráva Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság (HUN)
  • Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság (HUN)
  • Fertő Hanság Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság (HUN)
  • Hrvatske šume limited liability company, Croatian Forests ltd. (HRV)
  • Javna ustanova “Park prirode Kopački rit” (HRV)
  • Persina Nature Park Directorate (BGR)
  • Uniper Kraftwerke GmbH (DEU)
  • VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH (AUT)
  • Javno Preduzede “Vojvodinašume” (SRB)
  • via donau – Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH (AUT)

Program LIFE

Project focus:

The WILDisland project aims to strengthen the conservation status of the softwood alluvial forest priority habitat by restoring 34 islands along the entire Danube. The individual partners are responsible for the restoration of specific islands, but in order to achieve the higher goal of improving the condition of the Danube and the priority habitat, mutual cooperation is needed between all the countries involved.

Main goals of the project: 

  1. Restoration of the natural character of Danube islands by modifying the bank fortifications
  2. Change of the flow by turning the side arms and modifying the groynes
  3. Improving sediment management
  4. Restoration of natural vegetation along the Danube
  5. Protection of natural islands
  6. Raising public and stakeholder awareness of islands and softwood alluvial forest habitat

Sap – CHKO Dunajské Luhy (SKCHVU007)

Kližská Nemá – CHKO Dunajské Luhy (SKCHVU007)

The restoration of 2 islands is underway in Slovakia.

At the locality of Sap, the closed side arm supply will be dug, which will increase the water flow in the arm and the local island will be restored. The increased inflow of water is likely to change the character of the bank and thus create conditions suitable for the emergence of a priority habitat of softwood alluvial forest. On the island, we plan to restore the natural forest by planting native trees.

At the Kližská Nemá locality, groynes will be modified for the first time in Slovakia in order to increase the inflow of water into the side arm. The groynes fulfill the function of directing the flow for navigation, which reduces the dynamics of the water along the shore. By modifying the groynes, we plan to achieve a higher water flow in the side arm, restore the local island and also assume a positive impact on the bank and the adjacent forest.

Tell us what you think !

The international LIFE20 NAT/AT/000063 project WILDisland brings together 15 partners and organisations from 7 countries along the Danube River. It is a unique network that aims to restore the natural dynamics of the Danube and strengthen the protection of the soft floodplain forest habitats by restoring up to 34 islands in total. 

In Slovakia, the WILDisland project will restore islands at 2 localities, Sap and Klížská Nemá. For the first time on the Slovak side of the Danube, we will modify groynes to achieve a higher flow with permanently flowing water in the side arm and restore a local island. 

Ostrov v Kližskej Nemej

One of the aims of the project is to promote public interest and awareness of the exceptional and rare habitats of the soft floodplain forest. All efforts to tame our rivers, including stream regulation, dam construction or drainage, have led to a significant decrease in the water table, drying up of stands closely associated with the water, and thus a general deterioration in their condition. 

A unique representative survey has been created in cooperation between all WILDisland partners to draw attention to the Danube, its beauty, benefits and important functions. We have prepared the questionnaire in both Slovak and Hungarian versions. Please take a few minutes to fill it in and help us move the activities, and us, in the best direction.

Thank you for your participation 

Link for the representative survey: 



