Blooming Weittov quarry

Video  Blooming Weittov quarry Since 2013, it has realized here the restoration of meadow and forest habitats by restoration of traditional grazing. Animals suppress the invasive species and they help to create habitats for rare species of flora and fauna. Orchids come into bloom also in the most intensive grazing meadows of Weittov quarry. Grazing…

Partner of the project Water research institute created a physical model of Danube river-branch system

In the rooms of hydraulic laboratory of the Water research institute (VÚVH) the employees created physical model of the part of the river-branch system. The model optimalise the main parameters, position and configuration of crosswise structures with the aim to achieve optimal conditions of the stream. Using this model and following field measurements and calculations…

Restoration of steep river banks and nesting walls – Bátorove Kosihy

The restoration of nesting walls in Bátorové Kosihy was prepared and carried out in close cooperation with the local administration office, the mayor and local organization “Brehuľa” (Sand Martin). Information pannels informed the locals about the ongoing works. The nesting locality was used by a colony before the reconstruction, but parts started to overgrow with…

Planting of native woody species of floodplain forests in cadastral area of Bodíky

In April 2017 altogether  3375 nurslings of native woody species were planted in the forest in the cadastral area of Bodíky. The planting was realised on the localities after logging where natural reproduction of trees had not occured. We chose reforestation on these areas to prevent spreading of invasive woody species and to ensure species composition…