Networking with Slovenian LIFE Project

The Networking was focused on bilateral exchange of experience between projects: Restoration of NATURA 2000 sites in cross-border Bratislava capital region – LIFE 10 NAT / SK / 080 and the Slovenian project LIFE11 NAT/SI/000882 Riparian ecosystem restoration of the lower Drava river in Slovenia. Within the networking the participants visited two project localities –…

Weekend workshop of pollard willow management

In the last weekend of February we organized the 3rd workshop dedicated to pollard willow managent at SEV Dropie. The willows were traditionally coppiced for wood or crafts and coppicing is necessary for the tree´s wellbeing. The willow acts as a refuge for a number of insect species and privides shelter for roosting bats and…

Summer at SEV Dropie

Summer months are not just about school holidays and time at the beach. At our centre for environmental education Dropie we had been busy with a number of excursions from kindergardens, elementary schools and summer camps. Through an interactive and playful way, the children learned about the beauty and value of the Rye Island, the…

Volunteer event in the Nature reservation Devínska Kobyla

Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable development (BROZ) on the occasion of World day of European network of protected areas of Natura 2000 organized volunteer event in Geological museum, which is project area in Nature reservation Devínska Kobyla. Broz in cooperation with civic association Space and sculpture and non-profit organization Barbora planned restoration of…

A Spring Cleaning of the Karloveské side arm

Cleaning of the valuable site of Community importance along Karloveské arm took place today – thanks to an abundant participation of volunteers from the Green Patrol, Greenpeace, OZ Karloveská Bay and many others, but especially with the strong support and cooperation of BVS, we removed several containers full of garbage from the site and made…