Conservation of subpannonic dry grassland habitats and species

„Grazing is amazing“ Project LIFE SUB-PANNONIC focuses on restoration of rare dry grassland ecosystems which are currently threatened by succession and invasive plant species due to the abandonement of traditional grazing and management of these localitites. The restoration of the rare habitats is done with the help of four-legged mowers – sustainable management through grazing…

Restoration of nesting and feeding habitats of Sand Martin, Kingfisher and European Bee-eater in Danube-Morava region

We recreate nesting habitats of endangered bird species Project BeeSandFish is focused on restoration of nesting and feeding habitats of three endangered bird species: European Bee-eater, Kingfisher and Sand Martin. A common feature of the ecology of these species is the use of natural riverbanks and walls for nesting. Project activities are linked with Natura 2000 sites…

Restoration of NATURA 2000 sites in cross-border Bratislava capital region

We are participating in active conservation of areas of European significance The main objective of the project is to create a functional network of seventeen NATURA 2000 areas in the cross-border region of Bratislava. Joint conservation efforts, such as restoration management, ensure favorable status of habitats of European significance in the cross-border territories of Slovakia, Austria and…

Restoration and management of Danube floodplain habitats

We aim for complex nature conservation The project is related to the large area of the river Danube branch  system in Slovakia in  localities Dobrohošť – Sap, Klúčovské and Číčovské branches,  Čiližsky creek and to wetlands,  in the river alluvium Váh, Ipeľ and the Danube. In Hungary, the project is related to  the National Park…

Conservation of birds in SPA Ostrovné lúky

Project general objective is to contribute to habitat restoration for Annex I species of Birds Directive – Lesser Grey Shrike (Lanius minor), Tawny Pipit (Anthus campestris) and Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) in SPA Ostrovné lúky through establishing a suitable model management of the agricultural land and restoration of their feeding and nesting habitats.

Conservation of root vole

The intensification of agricultural production, forestry and water streams regulations during last century influenced habitat loss which evolved depending on traditional extensive management. The survival of many species that prefer grazing, mowing, reed cutting or their existence is bound to balks, patches of vegetations on the fields, linear and bank vegetation as a part of…