The water has partially returned to the side arm of Kráľovská lúka
On July 15, 2024, at Kráľovská lúka, we started the test filling of the renewed side arm in the section from the inlet of the Baka branch system to the first culvert.
On July 15, 2024, at Kráľovská lúka, we started the test filling of the renewed side arm in the section from the inlet of the Baka branch system to the first culvert.
The works in the middle part of the arm, with aim of connecting the two side branches to the stream, is already finished, the water has flowed in here and is full of life – fish, frogs, snails, dragonflies…
The revitalisation of the old Danube side arms can be called in one word “process”. Just as their degradation has been gradual, due to modifications for navigation, their revitalisation in places where it makes sense for valuable floodplain forest habitats, birds, fish and amphibians, for groundwater recharge and flood protection for us humans, will be gradual.
At the beginning of May, as part of a project with the financial support of the Tipsport Foundation, we organized an educational excursion in the form of a boat trip for students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University. The students had the opportunity to float the restored sections of the river branches, learn more about the problem of simulated floods and get to know the fauna and flora of the Danube floodplain forests more closely.
On May 21, as part of a project with the financial support of the Tipsport Foundation, together with mayors of municipalities, employees of the Ministry of the Environment, district offices and the Water Research Institute, we got into the boats in Medveľov and from there sailed to the Klúčovec branch system. These are locations where BROZ restored the water regime in the past.
We went to Brussels as finalists and we are going home as finalists. Although we did not win the Natura 2000 award, it was an honor for us to participate in this prestigious European competition and to be among the 6 nominated projects in our category. He won an Irish project where conservationists helped to change the setting of subsidies for farmers, so that they could manage Natura 2000 areas closer to nature and not be deprived.
In May, together with the stakeholders of the Microtus II project, we went to get inspired to the Šumava National Park. The study tour was attended by representatives of the Ministry of the Environment (MŽP), Slovak Water Management Enterprise(SVP), Water Management Construction Enterprise (VV), Water Management Research Institute (VÚVH) and the Dunajská Streda district office.…
If you are looking for a blossoming cherry in May (at least here in Slovakia), you will find it in the White Carpathians in the protected area Vršatské bradlá. And with it also living mowers – a herd of goats and a few sheep. Grazing started exceptionally here already in April in two reserved plots.…
In the middle of the forests around Plavecký Peter village in the Small Carpathians, you can find the remains of rare grassland areas on stony slopes with beautiful solitaries of oaks, interspersed here and there with viburnums or hawthorns. In many places, however, this original beauty was literally swallowed up by artificially planted non-native black…
After years of targeted work on pasture restoration in areas of European significance, we have faced many smaller and larger challenges. Overcoming them was often not easy. However, our motivation has always been and remains the springtime.