As a result of several historical events, the country of the Lower Rye Island has changed beyond recognition in a few decades. The mosaic of wetlands, river side arms and vegetation has been transformed into a lifeless chessboard of large monoculture fields. Today, even the last meanders of Čalovecký Dudváh river which once flew through the countryside are plowed to create even larger field units for easier harvest. All this is still hapening at a time when water is becoming increasingly scarce in the soil and throughout the country.

Around the world, lowland nature areas surrounding rivers pay a high price for their fertility and the Rye Island is no exception. Today our agriculture is set against nature and not in line with it. Agricultural practices do not take into account the landscape’s ecological needs, nor the new threats posed byclimate change – such as prolonged droughts and extreme rains.In the nature conservation discourse and practice we must therefore not forget our lowlands. The lowlands have given us a lot, and now it is up to us to give something back – the space and a chance for nature to regenerate.