PROJEKT: Restoration and management of Danube floodplain habitats
Hradidlá v Maďarsku

As part of networking with other organizations, we initiated a visit of technical water management facilities in Hungary in Vámosszabadi and Ásványráró in December.

The main reason for organizing this meeting, aimed at exchanging experiences, was the request of our foresters from the state enterprise Forests of the Slovak Republic. In the near future, we are going to restore the water regime of the arm at the Kráľovská lúka site, while these activities will also affect the territory managed by the foresters. They asked us for a simple approach to the manipulation of gates if necessary, therefore our task was to find similar objects that are already in operation and to look together at the way of their operation. We were interested in what type of sluices and gates would be suitable for our target area. And so we came here for inspiration.

The joint field visit was attended by representatives of state forests, BROZ, and the expert guidance with interpretation was provided by partners from the Hungarian company ÉDUVIZIG. We were curious and interested in everything – capacity, materials used, costs, possible suppliers, the difficulty of maintenance, method of operation, etc. In addition to the sluices that we plan to use in our upcoming project, we also looked at two intakes that subsidize the drier areas with water from the river branch system, while the water is transferred through the dam thanks to a vacuum pump.