In the 10th of October 2018 you are kindly invited for the opening of the exhibition about dissapearing beauties of the floodplains. The exhibition shows the visitors of all ages the threatened nature of Danube floodplain habitats (river branches, wet meadows, gravel deposits, floodplain forests, wetlands and salt marshes) that Regional Association of Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development is more than 20 years trying to restore successfully. The interactive compoments will enable you to use almost all your senses (seeing, hearing, smelling and touchting) to discover the charming Danube floodplains that are rich in biodiversity. Danube floodplains are part of European network of protected areas NATURA 2000 that was created to sustain the ecological stability and biodiversity in Europe. Only the most valuable European areas were chosen to become part of this network.
The opening will start at 9 AM in the settlement Veľký Lél near Zlatná na Ostrove (Ko-márno district) in the old grainery building and will end at 3 PM.
The visitors will be able to see the exhibition in small groups with guide who will offer them the commentary. The exhibition will be guided by its´ author Zoltán Fuzfa from Hungary. We are ex-pecting the visit from the locals and pupils from the primary school in Zlatná na Ostrove. Translation into Slovak language will also be offered. The exhibiton consist of interactive panels and is made in two languages – Slovak and Hungarian. The exposition is permanent and people may see the exhibition after the opening all year round (you can arrange a visit with BROZ: 0948104665)
The exhibition has been created with the financial support from European program LIFE – Restoration and management of Danube floodplain habitat (2015 – 2022).
The rooms for the exhibition (in the old grainery) have been reconstructed with the fi-nancial support of Government Office of the Slovak Republic – program Support of regional development.
We are looking forward to see you at the exhibition!
Invitation in Slovak (PDF).