By Minibus to Microtus
Our Hungarian project partner, Pisztráng Kör, obtained a minibus, so called
Microtus Minibus, for the purposes of this project.
Our Hungarian project partner, Pisztráng Kör, obtained a minibus, so called
Microtus Minibus, for the purposes of this project.
You can find out about the state of grazing ground squirrel populations in Slovakia, what their needs are and what threatens their ground squirrels in an article in Denník N. The article was illustrated by Monika Pascoe Mikyšková.
This September BROZ is starting two new projects which have been approvedby the European Comminison. Both LIFE projects aim to protect endangered species and restore their habitats. One of these projects will be dedicated to conserving the European ground squirrel which, a once common species which is now endangered due to habitat loss.
BROZ in cooperation with the local cooperative has begun to graze livestock on 18 hectare of land in Tisovský kras where the ground squirrel population has been on the decline due to inapopriate land management.