PROJEKT: Restoration of nesting and feeding habitats of Sand Martin, Kingfisher and European Bee-eater in Danube-Morava region
With children from Elementary School in Marcelova, on April 6, 2018, we cleaned the habitat for the European bee-eater and expanded his food choices through 20 planted white poplars, we built an insect hotel and decorated 25 beehives full of bees. Children have learned new information about the European bee-eater, pollinators, pastures, beekeeping, and bird protection in general. The event ended with a raffle of interesting prices.Everything was done within the framework of the LIFE project: Protection of Sand Martin, Kingfisher and European bee-eater in the Danube-Morava region at the initiative of the BROZ organization and zoologists of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University in Bratislava.We would like to thank Mrs. Agnes Kajtar, the family Varga, the beekeeper Milan Tóth and all the participants for help.