PROJEKT: Developing best practices in butterfly conservation in Central and Eastern Europe

We’ve made arrangements for clearing and grazing at the site of European importance Holubyho Kopanice. However, we will not begin until autumn, as we are searching, marking and planning at this time. The Corydalis plants that grow here are host plants for the caterpillars of the clouded Apollo butterflies (Parnassius mnemosyne). Their vegetative period lasts only a short time in early spring. By the time the females of the clouded Apollo are present and laying eggs, the above-ground parts of these plants have already withered away. The females lay their eggs in the surrounding vegetation. Monitoring the occurrence of host plants in early spring and knowing their most abundant spatial distribution on the site of occurrence of the clouded Apollo significantly contributes to a more careful management of the removal of shrubs and woody vegetation from overgrown meadows.