PROJEKT: Conservation of endemic species and dry grassland habitats in the contact zone of Pannonian and Alpine bioregions
Our LIFE Endemic PANALP project is approaching its halfway point, and we are very happy that we are succeeding in fulfilling one of its main goals – the restoration of traditional grazing on rare drought-loving grassland habitats in the Small and White Carpathians and the Strážovské vrchy. In the last-named mountain range we have returned the animals to the largest area so far. One of the most important project locations is located near the village of Zliechov. After decades of overgrowth, in cooperation with local farmers, we returned pasture to the first two large areas, and we are preparing others by next year. The first of the restored pastures lies directly below the highest peak of the Strážovské vrchy, the majestic Strážov, in the vicinity of which sprawls vast primeval forests, but also overgrown meadows. Thanks to the the project, we managed to create a 17-hectare pasture with a high-quality and durable electric fence, where a local farmer keeps a mixed herd of sheep and goats. We have gradually removed invasive trees from this area, in a very sensitive way, in order to restore the traditional character of the landscape, with draws, juniper stands and old solitary trees. It is also important for us to preserve the sparse hazel stands, in the undergrowth of which there are a lot of Corydalis cava, nutritious plants of the rare clouded apollo (Parnassius mnemosyne). On the opposite side of the Zliechov valley, in the area of ​​Pod Draštinou, there is another pasture. Here, in cooperation with another local farmer, we managed to return pasture to up to 41 hectares of meadows. Just a few years ago, the abandoned pastures with juniper trees were lost in the shade of the pines, and the other part of the area was without regular management. Today, however, the junipers are enjoying the sunshine again, and so are many rare species of plants and animals, for example large blue (Maculinea arion). Fortunately, they were able to survive the inhospitable times without farming and today they are spreading back to the areas grazed by the herd of Pinzgau cows. Grazing of cows suppresses expansive grasses and flowering herbs begin to thrive, which gives the biotope a more varied structure and is also optimally utilized for agriculture. Other locations can be seen from the pastures below Strážov and Draština, where we are working on the restoration of overgrown areas and the return of traditional farming. Biodiversity will definitely benefit from this, as well as local farmers who welcome our activities. And that is exactly our intention!