PROJEKT: LIFE Resistance – Comprehensive restoration of Danube floodplain habitats and support for resistance to plant invasive alien species
Balenie a príprava vzorky na prepravu

In the months of February and March we are collecting in selected stands of the Forest Management Units Čalovo, Gabčíkovo and Šamorín, located near the original channel of the Danube River, root samples for the investigation and subsequent testing of the application of mycorrhizae in the cultivation of seedlings that will be used for the restoration of natural forest stands.


The collection of the samples was deliberately situated in the dormant season, when no intensive physiological processes, especially growth, take place in the plant tissues. The aim of collecting root samples during this period was to obtain root parts and fine roots with maximally preserved morphological features necessary for an initial assessment of the presence and extent of mycorrhizae using a binocular magnifying glass.

Odber vzorky koreňov

Given the predominance of poplar and willow in the tree species composition and the priority application of these species in afforestation, root samples were preferentially taken from specimens of these species. Field sampling of other species (ash, elm, oak) is again planned for the dormant season – autumn, winter 2025/2026.

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