The Danube Visited a School

As part of spreading awareness about the nature protection of the Danube region, we organized two lectures for schools. Children from the 1st and 3rd grade of J. A. Komenský Elementary School in Bratislava had the opportunity to learn a lot of new and interesting information not only about the Danube River itself, but also about the adjacent floodplain forests and wetlands…

syseľ pasienkový, letisko Bratislava

We are feeding ground squirrels, we are preparing catches

In recent days, our volunteers have been going to the Bratislava airport to feed the ground squirrels. Every roughly 20-30 meters they throw a little sunflower to get them used to going to these places. We are planning to catch ground squirrels there and transport them to other locations in order to strengthen several populations in southern and western Slovakia.